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To cancel shipment or order, go to MY SHIPMENT and select the INFO icon on the order you wish to cancel. A Shipment Information page will pop-up and locate CANCEL SHIPMENT button at the bottom. Click CANCEL SHIPMENT button and confirm the cancellation. If the cancellation request is APPROVED then you will be issued a REFUND, which can take 3-5 working days to show in your account. There may be a cancellation fees or charges may apply depending on the carrier. If you have any question please send email to SUPPORT@POSTINFY.COM.

To cancel shipment or order, go to MY SHIPMENT and select the INFO icon on the order you wish to cancel. A Shipment Information page will pop-up and locate CANCEL SHIPMENT button at the bottom. Click CANCEL SHIPMENT button and confirm the cancellation. If the cancellation request is APPROVED then you will be issued a REFUND, which can take 3-5 working days to show in your account. There may be a cancellation fees or charges may apply depending on the carrier. If you have any question please send email to SUPPORT@POSTINFY.COM

To cancel shipment or order, go to MY SHIPMENT and select the INFO icon on the order you wish to cancel. A Shipment Information page will pop-up and locate CANCEL SHIPMENT button at the bottom. Click CANCEL SHIPMENT button and confirm the cancellation. If the cancellation request is APPROVED then you will be issued a REFUND, which can take 3-5 working days to show in your account. There may be a cancellation fees or charges may apply depending on the carrier. If you have any question please send email to SUPPORT@POSTINFY.COM

To cancel shipment or order, go to MY SHIPMENT and select the INFO icon on the order you wish to cancel. A Shipment Information page will pop-up and locate CANCEL SHIPMENT button at the bottom. Click CANCEL SHIPMENT button and confirm the cancellation. If the cancellation request is APPROVED then you will be issued a REFUND, which can take 3-5 working days to show in your account. There may be a cancellation fees or charges may apply depending on the carrier. If you have any question please send email to SUPPORT@POSTINFY.COM

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